Shared values
Alouette's success is built on five values shared by all of its employees: communication, teamwork, versatility, a progressive attitude and professionalism. These values are the essential building blocks of an organization dedicated to excellence.
The Company’s organizational structure is based on participative management and respect. Employees’ unflagging involvement, via a variety of committees, makes the facility a stimulating, safe and efficient workplace.
Thanks to its employees’ commitment to success, Alouette has carved out a solid reputation in the global aluminum industry for innovation, teamwork and health and safety results.
Active employee committees
Alouette can count on input from employee committees, made up of five to ten members each, in areas such as management, communications and improving working conditions. In some cases the main committee sets up subcommittees to address issues such health and safety efforts in specific sectors of the plant, equipment management and mobile vehicle optimization.
Alouette's social committee, called “Cobral,” is as dynamic and committed as the Company. Its 15 members are all eager to contribute to the Company's social environment. Cobral organizes at least five major activities a year. All of them are held twice, to give everyone a chance to take part.