Press Releases
June 21st 2023
Aluminerie Alouette and employees, regional winners of the Grands Prix of the CNESST

Aluminerie Alouette and its employees are proud to have won the regional "Innovation" title in the Grands Prix of the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). The project in the spotlight, a mobile jig to facilitate ergonomic painting work, was designed thanks to the innovative spirit of our employees.


To ensure a safe working environment, Alouette carries out painting work at various locations on the site every year. As vehicle-pedestrian coactivity is a major risk, ground signage must be clearly visible. In the past, personnel assigned to this task had to work at length, sometimes standing, sometimes crouching or kneeling, in marked-out areas.


Implemented since last summer following the idea of two employees, Jean-Marie Chouinard and Robert Allain, this innovation eliminates certain risks associated with this task, as well as considerably reducing the duration of the work. The project is also innovative in that it makes it possible to paint areas that are sometimes more restricted than commercially available equipment could reach.


"Eliminating injuries and risks is a priority at Aluminerie Alouette. That's why we're proud to win this award, recognizing the commitment of our employees and highlighting our good occupational health and safety practices," says Claude Gosselin, President and CEO. "We are happy to be able to count on employees who are involved and proactive in this area," he adds.


A health, safety and environment committee, made up of employees and management representatives, plays an active role in this area, in addition to promoting prevention within the company. Aluminerie Alouette is proud to work with its employees and partners to implement initiatives that support its ESG (environmental, social and governance) vision.




About Aluminerie Alouette
Inaugurée en 1992, Aluminerie Alouette est une entreprise indépendante de production d’aluminium.
Avec près de 900 employés, elle est le plus important employeur privé de Sept-Îles.
Sa capacité de production annuelle de plus de 630 000 tonnes d’aluminium de première fusion en fait la plus importante aluminerie des Amériques.
L’usine de Sept-Îles place le développement durable au cœur de ses actions.