A jewel of the aluminum industry and a source of justified pride for people in the region, Alouette is a leading economic player and a highly sought-after customer. With more than 850 employees, it is the number-one private employer in Sept-Îles.
Over the years, the mining and metal industry has generated thousands of direct and indirect jobs and offered local workers and their families a high quality of life. Today, to ensure the ongoing growth and vitality of the St. Lawrence North Shore economy, the region needs to focus on its strengths and expertise. Alouette is in perfect step with this strategy.

Thanks to the stability of aluminum smelter operations and jobs, people in the St. Lawrence North Shore region can expect to see ongoing, sustainable development. Alouette has a major impact in the Sept-Rivières regional county municipality, with hundredsof direct and indirect jobs and more than $300 million in economic spin-offs, year after year.
Our operations also have an impact elsewhere in the province. Alouette’s operations generate approximately $440 million per year into the provincial economy.

Operations at Alouette’s Sept-Îles smelter require close collaboration from a number of partners. The contributions of local subcontractors in areas such as cargo loading and unloading, snow removal, industrial cleaning, maintenance and security are essential for Alouette’s success.
Beyond the purely monetary aspect, the Company is committed to building relations based on transparency, respect and a partnership approach. Business relations can lead to true alliances, with each partner contributing to the other’s success.